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Rotaract club of debo – ROTARACT CLUB OF https://racdebo.org/blog-single.html Rotaract Club of DEBO is a community baised club that is dedicated to works on community and international service projects.

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Welcome to the official website of the Rotaract Club of DEBO! Our community-based club is dedicated to serving both our local and international communities through impactful service projects. Established in late 2015, RAC of Debo aims to nurture effective leaders and foster a sense of responsible citizenship among its members. Our primary mission is to empower young individuals and engage them in activities that benefit their communities. By coming together under the name ‘Debo,’ we strive to address a wide range of social, health, and environmental issues through collaborative efforts. Our club comprises students and young professionals from diverse academic backgrounds, pooling their skills and expertise to uphold the values of Rotary/Rotaract through service and fellowship. Join us in making a difference and together, let’s create positive change in the world!

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