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Ipd – IPD’s established mission is to ensure sustainable peace, democracy, social justice, and promote rule of law at all societal levels through active engagement of youth and women on building up peaceful democratic practices through gender inclusive platform, CSOs and GOs joint engagement in constructive dialogue for addressing various social, economic and political issues at national and local levels.

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Initiative for Peace and Development (IPD) is a civil society organization in Ethiopia. Registered under the ACSO proclamation law, IPD works to promote democracy, human rights, and peace through research, advocacy, and media campaigns. Their mission is to achieve sustainable peace, social justice, and rule of law by engaging youth and women in building peaceful democratic practices. IPD envisions a peaceful and stable Ethiopia where citizens live with equality, dignity, and respect. Contact information: Haile G, Haile Selassie St, Addis Ababa Road Map Business Group, First Floor; Phone: +251118639866; Email: ipdethiopia@gmail.com.

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