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Ephtah coffee retailer- top coffee exporter in ethiopia (2023) –

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Welcome to Ephtah Specialty Coffee, where we bring you fantastic coffee while making a positive impact on the communities we work with. Our commitment goes beyond just delivering great coffee – we strive to improve the lives of the people involved in every step of our supply chain.

Our story is one of building sustainable and collaborative relationships with our customers, farmers, and communities. We take pride in promoting the rich history and culture of Ethiopian coffee, the birthplace of Arabica coffee.

At Ephtah Specialty Coffee, our values are at the core of everything we do. Integrity, transparency, innovation, community, and niche focus drive us to deliver the best quality coffee while upholding mutual respect and trust with our farmers.

Join us on our journey to enjoy exceptional coffee with a purpose. Experience the taste of tradition, the aroma of innovation, and the satisfaction of knowing that every cup you enjoy contributes to a brighter future for all involved.

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