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“Welcome to DBH Management Consultancy Service PLC, your premier destination for expert Management Consulting, Training, Research, and Project Works in Ethiopia. Our team of senior trainers, experienced consultants, and researchers is dedicated to developing business hallmarks for a variety of business and non-business organizations. We strive to be the leading consulting company that enhances value creation and sustainable development in Ethiopia.

Our services include value-adding consulting, training, research, and project development to help our clients develop their business hallmarks for optimal value creation and sustainability. Take a look at some of our satisfied clients and their projects in Addis Ababa and beyond, such as BIOS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS COLLEGE, One Planet School, MSA Business Group, and more.

Explore our website for testimonials, portfolios, team info, and announcements. Don’t miss our upcoming training sessions on Project Write-up, Design and Development, and Entrepreneurship Skill Development. If you’re looking to elevate your business or project to the next level, DBH Management Consultancy Service PLC is here to support you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.”

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