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Blaze school – The development of acceptable character that not only keep them from attitudes that hinder their fruitfulness, but also shape them in disciplined life their productivity and happiness. Our character building program has three elements: Directing children to the development of positive characters through our annual behavioral development program (BDP), Setting clearly defined rules to maintain our reaction to unacceptable characters, Applying rational procedures in dealing with consequences to offences.

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Blaze School is committed to developing positive character traits in students through their behavioral development program. They have clearly defined rules for maintaining acceptable behavior and apply rational procedures for dealing with offenses. The school’s mission is to nurture students’ academic and co-curricular potential in a disciplined environment. Their vision is to be a center of excellence in education, promoting personal responsibility, integrity, and the ability to learn and grow. The school aims to create a passion for learning, develop students’ rights and responsibilities awareness, implement an effective curriculum, motivate innovation, and help students achieve their potential. They offer safety measures, regular classes, supportive exercises, sufficient classrooms, creative lessons, and sports facilities. Contact information: Gambella Ethiopia Phone: 0945712462 Email:

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