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Alliance for peace and development –

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***Website Description:***

Welcome to the Alliance for Peace and Development (APeD)! Our mission is to create a stable Ethiopia where human and democratic rights are respected. By strengthening traditional systems of local governance with modern democratic principles, we aim to provide an enabling environment for sustainable human development. Through various projects, we empower communities to contribute to the betterment of their country while upholding human rights.

APeD is a non-governmental, non-profit organization with a structure comprising of the general assembly, the Board, and the Secretariat. We collaborate with a wide network of partners, including UN entities, international organizations, national governments, and non-governmental organizations.

Please feel free to reach out to us by filling out the form below with your name, email address, subject, and any message you’d like to share. Join us in our journey towards a stable Ethiopia where human and democratic rights are upheld for all.

Together, let’s make a difference with APeD.

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